This third volume on the Youngs from the northeastern coastal area represents the closure of a trilogy begun in 1977. It is a listing of all proprietors, pioneers, land owners, heads of family, soldiers and sailors, brides, widows and orphans with the family name of Young in York County. The introduction explains in detail the methodology and the format used. Included is an alphabetical listing of the county's cities and towns which details the topography and history of each.Individual entries include 1,547 Youngs and 1,144 allied family names. The entries are alphabetically arranged and include as much information as was available and verifiable, such as: dates of birth, marriage and death;occupation;parents;residence;property and value;names of spouses and children. Dates of birth and parentage are fully cross-indexed. A + beside the name of a married child under the parent's entry indicates the existence of a main entry for that child. Two maps show York County before and after 1872. The extensive bibliography is broken down into geographical regions: national, state, county and town. Sources include military records, censuses, vital records, court records, gazetteers, church records, cemetery inscriptions and local histories. There are two everyname indices, one for allied families and one for the Youngs. Finding an individual is easy because each index entry includes the person's date of birth.