1820 Federal Census North Carolina- Dorothy Williams Potter.
A census of more than usual merit, painstakingly thorough, this book lists over 78,000 heads of household and-with the additions-is believed to embody the most complete printed source material for the period. All fifty-six counties for which census enumerations have been preserved are included. Furthermore, tax lists for Wake and Franklin Counties are incorporated to compensate for the lost census records of those counties.
This book is not just an index, but an alphabetical listing of the whole state, giving heads of households, ages of the family, free colored persons, and the number of slaves. All identifying descriptions used by the census enumerator have been maintained, and the county name and original page number are also listed. Termed by reviewers as the most accurate reading available, now is the time to obtain your copy of the long-awaited reprint of this indispensable aid to genealogists and historians.
Author or editor of over 100 books and articles, Mrs. Potter is author of the highly acclaimed Passports of Southeastern Pioneers, 1770-1823, and is the recipient of the Tennessee Historical Commission's Certificate of Merit Award.
2004, 8½x11, paper, index, 524 pp.
101-P0947 ISBN: 1585499471