Contains data about the Cayuga, Chippewa (Ojibway), Delaware, Mohawk, Munsee, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca and Tuscarora who either migrated to or were natives of Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Secondary surname data is included for the Abenaki, Montauk, Nanticoke, Ottawa, Penobscot/ Passamaquoddy and Potawa-tomi. Includes 1851 census abstracts as they relate to Indians for: Brant, Haldimand and Middlesex Counties, Ontario;Deux Montagnes County, Quebec;the Ontario Mohawk Institute;and Mount Elgin Industrial Institution. The 1881 census abstracts included are for Brant, Haldimand, Hasting and Prince Edward Counties, Ontario;and La Prarie and Huntington Co., Quebec.