PDF: Delaware Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880, Delaware Insanity Schedule, 1880 only

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The mortality schedules provide the names of those who passed away in Kent, New Castle and Sussex Counties, Delaware, between 1850 and 1880. These names are not shown on the U.S. Federal Census;thus, the mortality schedules may be of particular importance to researchers. Entries typically contain the deceased person's full name, age, sex, color (White, Black or Mulatto), whether married or widowed, place of birth, month in which person died, occupation, and cause of death. Entry information varies somewhat between schedules and some entries may also contain Chinese or Indian color designations, indicate whether Free or slave, specify single or divorced, give the place of father's birth, give the place of mother's birth, list the number of days ill, or length of residence in the given county.Entries within "The Delaware 1880 Insanity Schedule: Supplemental Schedules, Nos. 1-7 for the Defective, Dependent and Delinquent Classes, June 1880" provide the person's full name, classification and county. This section includes persons that were determined to be insane, idiots, deaf-mutes, blind, paupers and indigents, homeless children, and inhabitants of prisons. An index is providedat the conclusion of each section.