This register (completely unknown until its accidental discovery in the County Courthouse in Chatham, Virginia in 1994 ), consists of a hand-written ledger which names, numbers and describes free African-Americans (and possibly other non-whites) who registered or re-registered as free persons between 16 March 1807 and 16 January 1864. It contains the names of 637 Free Negroes, the majority of which were born free in Pittsylvania Co., as well as white individuals and other non-white individuals. The earlier registrations of persons who moved to Pittsylvania Co. were also copied into the ledger. This book comprises verbatim transcripts. No text has been omitted and the original page numbers are indicated in brackets. The ledger transcripts are followed by a section of related wills and deeds, a section of census extractions (1820-1840), and 5 appendices, including sample court orders and renewed registrations. An extensive introduction provides historical context for the data, and an explanation of commonly used terms. The index includes all full names, cities, counties, countries and continents.